Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Character analysis on Jocasta and Oedipus Essay

In Oedipus the king, Sophocles begins the story line with the city of Thebes grieving. Oedipus true identity is starting to become question, when he is told by a blind prophet that he is what plaguing the city. His wife, Jocasta is immediately skeptical about the prophecy, and tells him a story about an oracle that she had once received and never became fulfilled. However, this did not help Oedipus uncertainty, and only to cause more confusion to his soul was he visited from the past, a messenger from his â€Å"fathers† kingdom. The messenger brings new that his father has died of old age and that his kingdom wanted him to be there king. Jocasta believes this is good news, but only does her fate turn when Oedipus confesses that he ran away from his own kingdom to because he had heard a prophecy that he would hill his parents. The messenger tells Oedipus that his fear was useless for he was not a blood relative of the king, but a gift handed from his very own hands. Jocasta realizes the true identity of Oedipus and begs him to stop his questioning and search it would only cause him more greif, but only does her grief cause her to commit suicide. Oedipus it told by a herdsman that Oedipus was given to him by the queen herself to be casted on the mountain side and left to die. Oedipus realization of his true identity and finding out that that his wife is his mother and that she killed herself he ripped out his eyes. (969-99) Jocastas is skeptical about the prophets and has her own philosophy about she what should be known or what should be looked in to, she believes that the less someone knows the better, is this what caused her own downfall? Jocasta, the queen of Thebes, turns out it was not as glamorous as it sounds. Jocasta first marriage was a very successful and happy one until they received a prophecy that was that their son would kill his father and marry his mother. Sophocles represents Jocasta in a carefree manner. In her first entrance we can see that she is not worried about what the prophet spoke to Oedipus nor did she give it any importance. She tells Oedipus to not worry about what he said; she believes that no mortal is ever given the skill of prophecy. (986) Jocasta may have not trusted the words of the prophet, because to her knowledge the oracle that was once given to King Laius and her had never actually been fulfilled, but she indeed still does worshpid the God Apollo. To me it seems that she is not actually skeptical of the Gods, but instead to the men who are said to interpret the messages from the God. The way she expressed herself about the god after she had told Oedipus the oracle that she had once received was, â€Å"That time Apollo did not make our child a patricide, or bring about what Laius feared, that he be killed by his own son. That’s how prophetic words determined things! Forget them. The things a god must track he will himself painlessly reveal.† (986) Jocasta is not skeptical about the god for she said that a god must do things himself, unlike the prophetic words, that to her, never revealed themselves. As the play progressed Sophocles presents a messenger who began to uncover the true origin of Oedipus.(992-993) Jocasta was first intrigued to find out that Oedipus father had died of old age she recalls to him that it was pointless of him to fear the oracle, and that the future is unknowable, life is ruled by chance. (992) However, not until a few moments later did she began to unsolve the mystery and began to plead Oedipus to stop trying to find out who he was. Jocasta realizes before Oedipus that he is her son, and that she has committed incest. She began to tell him to give up his search that she was already in enough pain.(993) Jocasta did not want Oedipus to find out who she really was and cause him grief so she did not want him to keep looking into the past, the less he knew the better. Jocasta begged Oedipus to not question anything anymore to stop his grief, but later on her own grief cuases her to commit suicide. Did Jocasta’s skepticism and philosophy become the reason to her own downfall? Yes, in my opinion they did. Jocasta did commit most of her wrongs in innocence, but she did abandon Oedipus on the mountain side and did not even attempt to find out if her son had lived or in fact died, the less she knew the better. This later on caused her to marry Oedipus and fulfill the oracle, which became the end of her life when she hang herself with bed sheets. Work Cited Sophocles. â€Å"Oedipus the King.† Literature: An Introduction to Reading and Writing. Ed. Edgar V. Roberts and Robert Zweig. 5th Compacted ed. New York: Pearson Longman, 2012. 969-1004. Print.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Hume Versus Kant Essay

Hume and Kant offered two differing views on morality. Hume’s philosophy regarding moral theory came from the belief that reason alone can never cause action. Desire or thoughts cause action. Because reason alone can never cause action, morality is rooted in us and our perception of the world and what we want to gain from it. Virtue arises from acting on a desire to help others. Hume’s moral theory is therefore a virtue-centered morality rather than the natural-law morality, which saw morality as coming from God. Kant’s notion of morality stems from his notion of one universal moral law. This law is pertinent to all people and can be used at all times before carrying our actions According to Kant, you ought to act according to the maxim that is qualified for universal law giving; that is, you ought to act so that the maxim of your action may become a universal law. While Hume and Kant’s moral theory differ dramatically, they share one quality and that is the fact that neither centers around the concept of God and his will. Hume’s theories may be considered by some not really philosophical theories at all. It is to say that he is not searching for that philosophical life that is seen in a Plato, or Augustine. He believes that capitalism promotes prosperity for people, and that only science and math is the realm for reason. To discuss Hume’s ethical theory you have to look at the central theme, which are feelings. Hume’s ethical theory says that moral judgments are made on feelings as oppose to reason. Hume’s feelings are based upon the belief that people make moral judgments because it is useful to society. He uses the examples of benevolence and justice to support this idea. Benevolence leads to happiness in society, which is the main basis for moral approval. Justice, for Hume, is regarded as good because again it is useful to society. He says that justice would not exist if everybody was not selfish, and one of its main uses is to protect private property. Justice for Hume is a very business oriented type of justice in which a transaction that is made must be suitable for both parties. If humans were not selfish than justice would not even come to mind in these types of situations because the transaction would be totally dominated by one individual, and that would not be justice. Hume’s view poses the question, which is better social peace or economic prosperity? Hume states that human beings are an animal whose life consists of worldly pleasures, and this is what leads them to a happy life. Again we see a clear contradiction to what â€Å"traditional† philosophers believe to be a happy life. As you can see Hume leaves out the spiritual, reasoning, and thinking part of human nature. Leaving all these factors out he comes up with his contributions to the well being of society. He believes that chastity, confidentiality, avoiding gossip, avoiding spying, being well mannered, and loyal are what can lead you to becoming prosperous. Hume looks at this from being prosperous only from a business-orientated point of view. People do like to become prosperous and have economic growth, but is that all that matters to us as humans? For Hume these feelings are justified because he says that we naturally care about other people and if we do not suffer from something we have a natural inclination to help others out. Hume finally comes a conclusion to his ethical theory in which he states that there are only four reasons in which to do morally good: useful to society, useful to oneself, agreeable to oneself, agreeable to others. Actions that are morally good are categorized into one of these four categories. These actions must be made with sentiment or feeling over reason, for Hume states man is a creature with feelings and reason let’s us figure that out. Hume believed that reason is, and ought only to be, the slave of the passions. He argued that reason is used to discover the causes of pain or pleasure, but it is the prospect of pain or pleasure that causes action, not the reasoning alone, as that is entirely indifferent to us. This notion of always being motivated by pleasure or pain is very important, as it follows from this that when we act morally, it is a desire that makes us act and not reason. Since morals, therefore, have an influence on the actions and affections, if follows that they cannot be derived from reason, and that because reason alone, as we have already proved, can never have any such influence. Kant takes a different approach in his ethical theory and the understanding of morality and what is morally good. For Kant moral goodness is defined as goodwill, and that we as humans have a moral obligation to do what is right. He says that moral worth is seen much clearer if someone does things out of duty. Opposite of what Hume says Kant believes that feelings and inclinations are irrelevant and that feelings are not what drive moral obligations. Then how does Kant justify what is morally obliged? He has cancelled out feelings, and has left it as an obligation for people. For Kant first you must take out all feelings. Moral obligation must be binding for everyone. If any action cannot be approved be everyone than it is not morally obliged. The standard for moral standards has to be universal or absolute. Kant’s ethical theory is put into a comparison of categorical and hypothetical imperatives. Hypothetical imperatives are looked upon as recommendations or laws by others. This is to say that it is someone else or some other thing is telling us what to do. Hypothetical imperatives are unproblematic. They are straightforward sentences that express mundane statements of fact. Categorical ones, on the other hand, are highly problematic. Categorical imperatives deal with autonomy. These are the moral obligations that Kant believes in, the morally obliged actions. In Kant’s view, only if a person is acting solely on the categorical imperative such as doing something out of duty, can the act be morally good. This is because if somebody is acting out of the hypothetical imperative, he/she has an ulterior motive in acting in that way and are therefore not acting out of duty but are pursuing a certain end. They need not be acting in self-interest, but if they act because of a desire to act in that way, this is not morally worthy. You can still act morally if it gives you pleasure, as long as the reason for your action is solely out of duty. For instance we ought to help other because you may need help some day. What makes it valuable is that it is valuable in itself. It allows us to treat ourselves and others with self respect. It is clearly seen that in Kant’s theory there is no feelings or emotions attached to these theories only obligations that will benefit all of society. When taking into account who is right or wrong, the type of person you are comes into play. Some individuals live their lives based off of feelings and emotions alone, and most decisions that these types of individuals make are what is going to them happy or something that could perhaps make them sad but another group in society happy. Then there are the other groups of individuals that do things without thinking of who they will affect but only take into account what they believe they should do based on society’s circumstances. Ultimately the decision on how to make moral judgments should be entirely based on you and your character and your experiences. If a person has been hurt by trying to be morally good then his feelings will come into play no matter how he made his original decision. If this person was making a decision based on obligation and he still got hurt from it in the long run then his next decision could be very feeling based. These two decisions on morality may continue to intertwine with each other. Hume and Kant are similar in that their moral theories are not the will as laid down by God, instead they see morality as embedded in humans themselves. However from here the theories diverge. Hume sees moral judgements as being caused by sentiments of pain or pleasure within an agent as reason alone can never motivate, whereas Kant see the only moral actions as being those caused by reason alone, or the categorical imperative. Both theories have difficulty with coming up with absolute moral laws – Hume’s theory because absolute morality would appear to be impossible if morality is based on an individual’s sentiment, and Kant’s theory because it cannot prove the existence of the categorical imperative.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Blood Diamonds Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Blood Diamonds - Essay Example Diamonds are commonly associated with glamour, love and affluence but the discovery that they were financing conflicts in Sierra Leone, The Congo, Liberia and Angola took the ‘shine off the stone.’ â€Å"In some African countries, such as the Democratic Republic of Congo tens of thousands of civilians have over the past years been killed or tortured and millions have been displaced† (International Secretariat, 2006). Many came to realize that they not only financed genocide and other acts of vulgar inhumanity by purchasing a diamond but were also wearing and flaunting this symbol of human suffering. The main source of this horrific revelation to the world community was last year’s movie ‘Blood Diamond’ which attempted to alert the masses to the atrocities occurring in Africa. Until then, this situation was largely ignored by Western governments and news media. In one scene of the movie, the character Maddy Bowen witnesses a massive refugee camp that contains more than a million displaced, poverty stricken, desperate people and says â€Å"we’ll only get a glimpse of it in CNN, somewhere between Sports and Weather† (Zwick, 2006). Rebel militias deal in the illegal diamond trade for many reasons. The most obvious is that diamond’s value-to-weight ratio is very high which allows for great amounts of capital to be easily transported. Diamonds are mined with low-profile, rudimentary tools and in various regions, many of which are remote making it all but impossible to adequately patrol. Additionally, determining the source of individual diamonds is tremendously problematical although efforts have been made in this respect such as the Angolan government issuing tamper-proof ‘certificates of origin.’

Sunday, July 28, 2019

School Presentation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

School Presentation - Essay Example There was chatter about the upcoming read-a-thon, what books they planned to read, and what ethnic goodies they would planned to bring for this celebration. This shared, central technology area will offers the potential for arts and computers, and has have a laboratory as well. The computers in the technology area are will be wireless laptops that include will have publishing software, printers scanners, and cameras for publishing purposes. As the bell rang to begin the day, various classrooms were busy sharing their innovative lessons for the day. Mrs. Inspired was discussing with her journalism students the yearly publishing projects that the journalism students they willwould produce togetherwith her assistance. These included the student literary magazine, a monthly newspaper, and a parent newsletter. Next door, Mr. Energetic, the media specialist, was sharing his ideas with his class concerning their upcoming y 'Young aAuthor''s contest and read-a-thon, and Mr. Creative, the web-design teacher, was busy empowering his eagle captains for their school assignments concerning for website production. As we walk down the hallways of my eutopic school we seesee, display cases filled with various student works celebrating their the students' curriculum successes. The public-address system plays soft, classical music throughout the halls before and after school, as well as during class changes. Music and art education are important elements while we are atwork on the work. High School Dimension 1 Cont. / Debra Roberts Travel oOutside the first corridor, and we find the student vegetable garden, where Mr. Organic's class is getting ready to harvest their own tomatoes with which to make spaghetti sauce for their parents' dinner on Thursday. Through the auditorium and behind the gym, we find Mr. Environment helping his students grow apply hydroponics with for their greenhouse project. As we you travel back to the front of the academy, don't forget to stop at Mrs. Fishtail's outdoor classroom, where she is teaching mMicrobiology while the students begin creating their own goldfish pond. When Mr. Environment and Mrs. Fishtail's classes finish complete their academic units, they will take Academic de Trabajo's engage-o-meter and submit them to the student focus group. Student focus groups meet every Thursday for lunch with the pPrincipal. A strong Sstudent voice at the academy is what working on the work is all about. Our twenty-first-century school website that displays such items such as extracurricular activities, daily celebrations of student achievement and success, academic curriculum guides and syllabi available for all subject areas, daily grades and attendance, and FCAT practice. All staff members are encouraged to participate in this webs system and share email communication with parents. Links to various classrooms, email, and other educational links are provided here as well. In order to share instructional ideas and to encourage a collaborative faculty, shared planning time throughout the core classes are a necessity at our academy. This teacher hub where planning takes place has lots of natural light, a couch, round tables, a refrigerator, a microwave, a sink with running water, a phone with an outside line, a fax machine,

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Business Culture of Spain Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Business Culture of Spain - Research Paper Example Policies can be defined as those objectives which have been declared by the government and seek to realize and reserve the national community interest. In a country like Spain therefore, there must be policies which guide the conduct of business practice. These policies may be appealing or unappealing before the business community. The commercial laws and regulations of Spain were modernized in 1986 immediately after its entry into the European Union. Its policy framework is fairly compared with other countries that are from within Europe. There has been the streamlining of bureaucratic procedures and elimination of the red tape. (, 2012) There is the existence of quasi-independent bodies which regulate several sectors of the economy. In the real sense, they are not independent as they are still fighting and struggling to be. One of the processes which have been steady but slow is the switch from monopolies which are state-owned to full competition that is open. Spain is not formal as is the United States of America in the comment procedure for the projected rule-making changes. This is due to the fact that most laws and guidelines are published as drafts before they are effected. (, 2012) For one to start a company in Spain, they will be supposed to work under certain simple procedures. To start, they are supposed to acquire a certificate of uniqueness of the proposed company name from the Office of Mercantile Register. The next step is to open a bank account for the company or business you intend to start and then deposit the principal you have in that bank. After that, you have to be given a certificate of deposit. All these are again followed by surrendering a public deed of incorporation before a public notary, it takes a day and charges approximately â‚ ¬500 depending on the share capital amount you have and the complex nature of the process. Submit the


REPORT ON LUTHERANS RELIGIOUS FIELD RESEARCH - Essay Example There are many misunderstandings concerning religion in general. The beliefs and practices of Islam have been misconnected and people have posed various misunderstandings on what they believe in about Islam (Waines, 1995). There is much flawed information that floats around concerning the faith of Islam: I personally had a misconception that Muslims worship a black stone or moon god; that Islam looks down upon women; that Muslims are terrorists among other misconceptions. However, the paper seeks to analyze how my prior misconceptions have changed following the truth and alterations of the conceptions through encounter. The paper hence aims to bust the misunderstood myths and expose the truth about Islam. The first misconception is that Muslims worship a moon god; some of the non Muslims have mistakenly believed that Allah is a moon god or some idol. After a wide consultation and encounter, this has been altered. Allah is the name of One True God, in the language of Arabic. The Musli ms have a fundamental belief that there is only one God, the Sustainer, the Creator; known in Arabic as Allah. This hence means that Muslims do not worship a moon god, but God the Almighty. Another misconception is that Muslims do not believe in Jesus; the life and teachings of Christ Jesus is documented in the stories of Qur’an. ... out Islam is that majority of Muslims are Arabs; although Islam has been mainly associated with Arabs, they only make up 15% of the population of Muslims in the whole world. The country with the most number of Muslim populations is Indonesia. The large numbers of Muslims are found in Asia followed by Africa, then Europe (Hodgson, 1974). Before my encounter with the truth about Islam, I also had the misconception that Islam oppress women, however, most of the mistreatment that is received by women in the world of Muslim is based on traditions and culture, without any foundations in the faith of Islam. Practically, forces such as spousal abuse, forced marriage, and restricted movement contradict directly the laws of Islam that govern personal freedom and family behavior. The misconception that women have no rights in Muslim world is untrue. The images of women who wear a veil covering them, and that women are not allowed to drive, are common in Islam. This is not Muslim law even though many Muslim countries implement such harsh treatments against women. Many of such countries demonstrate differences in culture that are against Islam teachings. It should hence be noted that in the pre-Islam period, Arabia women were only used for fornication with no independence. In fact the birth of female beings was considered humiliating. The practice of infanticide of female was uncontrolled. It is a fact also that a Muslim woman is permitted to accept and reject any suitor as well as seek divorce. Hence, there is nothing in the Islam law that forbids women from driving and house. It is also considered a sin if a woman refuses to seek knowledge (Hitti, 1970). I also had a misconception that Muslims are extremists and violent terrorists. Terrorism is, at all, not justifies under any

Friday, July 26, 2019

To rectify gaps and weaknesses in the current situation regarding Article

To rectify gaps and weaknesses in the current situation regarding abuse and exploitation of domestic maids in Singapore - Article Example In severe cases, some maids have been sexually exploited, tortured and even killed. Human rights watch, the government and other concerned organisation have of late noted the human rights abuse that domestic maids have been exposed to in Singapore, with a large number of maids being immigrants the existing laws and regulation has done little to protect their rights as human beings and foreign employees (Tsai, 2008). So far there are a number of policies that are being undertaken to rectify the gaps that have existed in the upholding of the rights of house maids. A national campaign by UNIFEM Singapore, Transient Workers count Too, Humanitarian Organisation for Migration Economics is being carried out to push for a day off for the maids. Although the Singapore government as a member of the ASEAN body claims to be protecting the rights of human beings, the Manpower ministry which is part of the government has consistently refused to implement the law to protect immigrant domestic worke rs.

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Online Store Vs. Physical Store Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Online Store Vs. Physical Store - Assignment Example All products further fall into categories for different markets. For instance, music accessories are sorted by price range in order to direct buyers to products that are willing to spend certain amounts. With the online store, one has the opportunity of shopping through a personal account. Personal accounts allow one the comfort of shopping without worrying about carrying along a credit card or cash. This is made possible by the available options of saving one’s payment information. In addition to this, accounts offer the opportunity of receiving news about new offers and discounts from the company through emails. In a physical store, one only gets to learn about discounts through publicly placed advertisements that are temporary and dependent on one’s location. Online stores save an immense amount of time for shoppers. People do not need to queue in order to check out. Queues can become tediously long especially during peak times. Moreover, the time it takes for differ ent customers to finish shopping is unrelated to the amount of products bought. The process of checking out at the online store is simplified to a few clicks within the site’s pages. In addition to this, burden of travelling in order to make a purchase is eliminated. The online store, for example, ships products directly to the customer free on certain purchases. What does the ‘brick and mortar’ store offer that the virtual store cannot? When customers shop at a physical Wal-Mart store, they have the opportunity to select products that they need in their actual forms. Certain aspects about the product may instantaneously affect the choice to make a purchase. One may realize that the size or the appearance of a product is not precisely, what you would want if you were in direct contact with it. At the store’s website, one only gets the chance to select the product based on visual appearances displayed online. There is a possibility of purchasing something only to realize it does not precisely match your preferences. For instance, one cannot try to fit a new piece of attire at Express’s online store, but this is possible at the physical store. This, hence, means that there is a risk of purchasing a cloth that does not fit your size. Furthermore, one may not be able to seek immediate assistance from store attendants when shopping online. Questions about a product have to be sought independently or at a time cost if one chooses to make phone calls to consult the customer support team. This slows down the buying process. Shopping at the physical store also allows one to access products instantly as opposed to the online store, where shipment has to be made over a certain period. One has the chance to interact with other buyers at the physical store, as opposed to an online situation where there will never be a chance of seeing other shoppers. Such interaction with fellow shoppers can help in gaining information about ce rtain products, for example, when trying to choose an appropriate book. Again, some products are not deliverable to certain locations if purchased online, for example, groceries. Thus, it requires one to travel physically to the store. Finally, at the physical store, one has the additional option of using cash to pay for shopping bills. If shopping is online, the only options available involve electronic money transfers. What

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Ethics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

Ethics - Essay Example They therefore, greatly encourage critical thinking so as to make the right decision under the given circumstances. In the contemporary environment of fast changing dynamics of socio-cultural and economic environment, ethical consideration and morality have become big issues, especially in the corporate world. The multicultural societies encompassing people from different race, color, culture and nations have increasingly become common across the globe. The inclusion of diversity within and outside the business paradigms have turned into major ethical issues that must be addressed. In fact, racial differences and lack of understanding of cross cultural values have fast emerged has vital ingredients of workplace conflicts leading to unethical conduct. I believe that rational thinking rather than emotions or intuition is the key facilitator for ethical decision making process. Rationalizing events and looking at the pros and con of the situation are major tools of critical thinking tha t helps to come up with right solution that is fair and is based on informed choices. The interpretation of events and human behavior must be accompanied by proper dissemination of information. The understanding of the issues promotes wider acceptance of the decisions made.

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

What is Liberal Democracy Historical view of the Liberal Democracy Research Paper

What is Liberal Democracy Historical view of the Liberal Democracy Theory - Research Paper Example 1Liberal democracy is distinguished by fair competitive voting among diverse political groups, a power partition in different administration structures and fair ruling in an open civilization as well as human rights safety in a state. The constitution in a liberal democratic state demands equal rights, guarantee the freedom of speech, religion, equality before the bylaw, due process and other constitutional rights. In most cases, liberal democracy focuses on the America’s political philosophy. It seeks to modify the political, social and economic aspects in order to promote development as well as advance the welfare of citizens in the independent state. Although, a country with liberal democracy can effectively achieve economic development, democratic government always achieves democracy at associated costs. Historical view of the Liberal Democracy Theory The basis of liberal democracy dates back to the Enlightenment era during the earlier 18th century. The facade of equality that contributed to the rise of liberal democratic theory was a result of the capitalism ideologies. This theory was developed in Europe when many of the European states were under monarchies with political authority being held in the hands of aristocracies. The theory was a fundamental device for political equality that maintained economic foundation of a capitalist society and need for transition in the political, social and economic process. The classical theorists from the western region have always considered the political theory of liberalism and believed that democracy would be intrinsically unsteady. This is because of the changing whims and different perception from citizens, and they further thought that democracy was divergent to the human nature. This is because the viewed human being as people with violent, evil; thus they needed strong leaders who could restrain their destructive whims. Additionally, many of the Europeans who held powers believed that God is the one wh o ordained such powers; thus, the question of the right to rule was comparable to profanity. However, it was until when the Enlightenment intellectuals who believed that human nature could be guided by a reason and required principles to guide them. During this period, several issues arose in the leadership hegemony; thus, the French and American revolutions gave birth to the liberalism ideologies. They also required the government to adopt the doctrines of the Enlightenment thinkers and apply them in the daily practice. It was then when one of the Germany philosophers, Adolf Hitler who was the leaders of Nazi Party, often quoted in the ‘tyranny of the majority’ rose into power and many things changed.2 Therefore, the liberal democracy rose due to democracy waves, which was a result of wars, revolutions, religious issues, great depression that led to economic deterioration and decolonization. All these aspects made many liberals fight for liberal democratic powers. Adva ntages for a Country with a Democratic Government A country with democratic government is subjected to varied economic, social and political benefits. First, a state with democratic governance can effectively achieve economic development because of good governance. This is because democratic governance is good for economic development since it enables different countries to participate in trading activities and attracts investors to invest within the country. The liberal democratic states have good form of governance whereby individuals have equal rights to exercise their freedom in all aspects such as speech, religion and other concerning areas. Therefore, they can interact freely with others in terms of economic and social

Monday, July 22, 2019

Dhirubhai Ambani Essay Example for Free

Dhirubhai Ambani Essay Man who knew how to lead in this world by creating our own path towards success. Dhirubhai Ambani was well known for his achievements. His spirit and attitude towards the work made him an extra ordinary gentleman. He was born in the small village in state of Gujarat, India and was a son of a school teacher. Being in the inspirational background, he had learned how to live with hopes and transform them into reality. His confidence helped him accomplishing all his targets in life. Dhirubhai desired of getting well educated but it turned as a dream and regretted all through his life. Mousumi Kumar. (2012). He believed in following the right path and opportunities will come in the way. With this attitude he built Reliance Industries which was first private sector Company to enter fortunes global 500 companies. In 2002, Reliance Industry contributed 3% in India’s GDP and 5% towards countries export. (The story of Dhirubhai Ambani, 2011.) His Vision Dhirubhai Ambani worked in Aden as a petrol pump attendant. He then decided rather than working for other company he would start one of his own. He returned to India and envisioned the future of India. Pursue your goals even in the face of difficulties, and convert adversities into opportunities. Reliance Industries Limited (2005) He always took the step further into the business regardless of difficulties. ‘No’ is the word he never understood in his life. His admiration towards growth of India was the main objective of his life. Dhirubhai Ambani led himself to his vision by building the trust with the people all around India. He believed that Reliance industry was the peoples company not his. (The story of Dhirubhai Ambani, 2011.) The early vision of Dhirubhai was to find gas and oil in India which he accomplished within 25years of his life. He bought new technology from around the world and builds world class refinery in India and was pioneer in providing the best infrastructure facilities to the people in and around him. He was fond of his own philosophies. He admired that the person needs no invitations to make profits but need to grab the opportunities at right time. Mousumi Kumar. (2012).When Dhirubhai entered the telecommunication industry; his vision was â€Å"Karlo Duniya Muthi Main†, means keeping the world in your fist. This motto was not only for him or for his company but also for the customer of his company. (The story of Dhirubhai Ambani, 2011.) His Leadership in Organizational Effectiveness A leadership quality was a gift of god for him. He always thought positive towards any step he takes in life. His qualities have not only benefited himself but also to the shareholders of the company. He believed in joining hands with Indian citizens rather than leading alone. Dhirubhai saw the great potential in Indian market and found the capabilities of Indian people. In 1977 when Dhirubhai thought of expansion and opened his hands to Indian people and became the public’s company. The small investors were not keen about the company’s growth but had put their money on trust he built with the people. They trusted the inspirational qualities of Dhirubhai and the pace of growth with his positive attitude. Mousumi Kumar. (2012) His effectiveness and efficiency made the company proud after building the world class refinery in Jamnagar (Gujarat). In the period of 11 months he got the best technology, best infrastructure and best employees to the plant and made it running within a year. His inspiration has removed the word ‘impossible’ from the mind of the people. One of the famous philosophy or quote of Dhirubhai Ambani was Growth has no limit at Reliance. I keep revising my vision. Only when you dream it you can do it. Reliance Industries Limited (2005) and Mousumi Kumar. (2012). He always trusted the future and found that there will be more growth in upcoming industrial era but what led him to heights was his ability to find a best opportunity for the country and for people. For him trust was greater than money. Today the Reliance Industry is well known for its trustworthiness towards the stakeholders and without this approach Reliance Industries wouldn’t have reached such heights. His policy was once if the decisions are made and should be implemented as soon as possible without any delays or losing the opportunity. He was man of his words. His ability to see the future was far upward than any man in his times. For example- In 1966, Dhirubhai used a strategy of backward integration to build a textile empire without any second thought in his mind. He faced many problems while taking this decision but he always moved as he got the opportunities and started the new textile company called Vimal. When he achieved success with this strategic decision he found that he can do anything possible in this world with good support and bless of the people he trusted in. RIL (2005) Effectiveness towards his work was more important for him. Grabbing the opportunity isn’t everything but implementing it effectively is more important and that is what he left behind after his death. His vision and mission were the challenge for himself and he loved playing with those challenges. He would always take challenges and barriers on him even on behalf of stakeholders. His philosophy was dream to the core and dreaming has no limits or barriers and doesn’t cost a penny. His inspiration towards the employees of Reliance Industry was if you don’t get the opportunity don’t wait for but create one of your own.

An End to Animal Abuse Essay Example for Free

An End to Animal Abuse Essay â€Å"Animals are dying all over the world and becoming endangered species mostly because of animal abuse and cruelty† (James Gorman). It is a worldwide problem that will continue unless people are concerned about it or stop doing it. There should be more laws regulating child labor. Animal abuse stops scientists from researching animals. Animals become endangered species. It also causes psychological effect. Animal abuse must be abolished. One reason animal abuse must be abolished is because it stops scientists from researching other animals. â€Å"Researching animals helped make medicines for terrible diseases.† (James Gorman). One endangered animal is the chimpanzee, which is endangered because of being trapped in cages. Another reason animal abuse should be abolished is that animals die and become endangered species. â€Å"Breeds of horses face endangerment and extinction because of animal abuse.† ( These horses get slaughtered by people for their meat because people think horses can cure HIV. Some horses are killed because of religion. Last reason animal abuse should be abolished is that animal abuse causes psychological effect. â€Å"This means animals are shy and aggressive because of being injured and hurt. The most negative thing about animal abuse is psychological effect.† (James Gorman). As you can see, there are many reasons why there should be more laws regulating animal abuse. Animals getting injured and hurt badly causes many horrible things. It makes scientists give up on their research on animals, animals get close to endangerment or extinction, and most importantly, it will cause effects when animals are hurt. If you see animals getting abused or treated bad, call the ASPCA. They are professionals and save and find homes for animals every day.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Hand Glove Controller Rehabilitation Aids Technology

Hand Glove Controller Rehabilitation Aids Technology DEVELOPMENT OF A HAND GLOVE CONTROLLER REHABILITATION AIDS Muhammad Hafizudin Bin Abdul Manas Abstract A hand-glove with a sensor is developed for rehabilitation aids. The aim of this paper is to demonstrate the hand glove with a sensor that can be used as an input signal for rehabilitation purpose. This project, the wheelchair is used as a mechanism. The project will be control by the flex sensor. This sensor will be guide the wheelchair to move forward, reverse, right and left direction by using the algorithm hand gesture. The Arduino UNO (ATmega328) is used as an interface with the flex sensor and wheelchair. This Arduino will convert resistance input from sensors with analog read to digital read by using ATmega328. Then it will response with the pulse with modulation (PWM) by using driver motor to accelerate the DC motor. The output will give the instruction for wheelchair motion such as forward, reverse, left and right. Keywords – Hand Glove, Flex Sensor, Wheelchair, Microcontroller Arduino UNO, Hand Gesture INTRODUCTION In real life, there are many people who are having disability physically that cannot communicate, listen, walking and more. For the disable people, rehabilitative aids it important to maintain their daily activities same as normal people. In many years, Stroke affects almost one million people and 80 % survivors are left with weakened limbs and hands. There are many designs and method was developed to regain their hand movement and strength. A rehabilitation technique system has been designed to help the patient or disable people [4]. One of the most common human physically activities are walking. Walking is an important role in human daily. Patient or disable people have this problem need the rehabilitation aids. For example, wheelchair is one of the mechanisms to help the disable people to continue their daily activities. Current wheelchair that everyone uses nowadays it manually controls it with their barehanded or need assistance to move the wheelchair. Many evolution has been tr ansform to control the wheelchair such as powered wheelchair, wheelchair control by using voice commands, wheelchair control by joystick and wheelchair control by pressing button. Wheelchair control by voice command is one of the methods to help disable people. This mechanism is design based on vocal command. There are have several condition to move the wheelchair such forward, backward, right, left, stop, light on and light off. Vocal command has limited and must use the same voice to control the motion of wheelchair. Efficiency to control in silent environment is higher than noise environment [1]. Pressing button also can be control the wheelchair, it been setup in programming to move wheelchair in particular place. For example, when disable people press the button 1 it move to the kitchen or press button 2 moves to living room. The wheelchair it helps with a sensor to detect the obstacle in its path. It follows the line algorithm path based on black and white surface on the floor [2]. For this papers and this idea, this project consist: Development of Control Algorithm High Level programming language Development of Control Algorithm The algorithm referred to any computation performed under a set of rules that applied to numbers in a decimal form. An algorithm can be represented of a solution to a problem. The control algorithm is the most important characteristic and the one to consider first. The control algorithm interpreted the true nature of output as a function of the input. For example, algorithm is hand gesture to produce the output. The hand gestures used for controlling robot’s motion, in video games [3] High Level programming language In order to develop a control algorithm, high level programming language is used. High level languages are designed to understand than assembly languages and allow a program to run. The translation of high level languages into object code needs a source code. For example, wheelchair using MEMS sensor has been using c language programming into PIC microcontroller to control the wheelchair motion [4]. LITERATURE REVIEW Hand Glove Control In modern biomedical technologies, a robotic system has been used in physical assistance and rehabilitation such as soft robotic glove. Glove is a portable device that patient can be wear for exercise individual fingers to minimize the stresses on their hand during therapy. The application used new technologies in now days such as The PowerFoot One and Luke Arm. For The PowerFoot One is an advanced complete ankle and foot prosthesis. The user legs move like a normal person walking when their use this product because this product mimic human foot. For Luke Arm device designed to provide a person with a partially articulated robotic arm that uses foot pads to control and move it [4]. Moreover, hand- glove also implemented into control the machine toys such as helicopter and remote car. It uses the same technique that the person wears the glove as the control and use the variables motion to move the machine. The function is similar same as joystick [7]. The same concept applied to this project where the hand glove is used. The hand glove will act as a controller in moving the wheelchair according the movement of fingers. Flex Sensor Nowadays, high technologies used robot to move something and doing a task to replace the human being. Sensor plays important role in robotic. A sensor is device that can measure the motion in high degree. Flex sensors are analog resistors. These resistors work as variable analog voltage divider. Inside the flex sensor are carbon resistive elements with thin flexible substrate. Figure 1 shows degree of bending for flex sensor. Smaller the radius, higher will be the resistance value [8]. From this research, design powered wheelchair which control by using hand movement. Used two fingers of hand gloves are needed to control the wheelchair. Two photodiodes at upper side and two sensors locate opposite side for these two fingers. Microcontroller is programming for different code combinations, it also know as converters from input signal to output, it decoded the signal into appropriate movement of wheelchair with accelerate DC motor. [3] Figure 1: Flex Sensor offers variable resistance readings Retrieved from Flex Sensor Based Robotic Arm Controller Using Micro Controller [8] ALOGRITHM HAND GESTURES In our daily activities, many people frequently used hand gesture to communication such as thumb up for good and two fingers like ‘V’ shape for peace. Many researchers [4] [8] used hand gesture to identifying and recognize some form of action without saying it to express the action have their do. Joyeeta Singha project for sign language hand gesture step by step. The system consist five step such as skin filtering, palm cropping, edge detection, feature extraction and classification. Recognize obtain almost 90% for different symbols. [4]. Y Tabata is developing hand gesture for spelling in Japanese language. Creating the hand gesture to obtain the alphabet and numbering to get spelling. [8] The same concept hand gesture applied for algorithm to control the wheelchair movement and motion. Figure 2: Example of hand gesture that cropping [4] METHODOLOGY Project Overview Figure 3: Block Diagram of Hand Glove System Figure 3 shows a block diagram of hand glove system including Flex sensor 2.2 â€Å", Amplifier, Atmega 328 (Arduino UNO) microcontroller, Dual channel 10A motor driver and DC Motor. The input is flex sensor and the output is DC Motor Microcontroller is a main core for the whole that will generate Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) signal to control the dual channel motor driver. Dual channel motor driver produce the output signal to motor from the PWM to accelerate the DC motor slow or fast. The resistance input from sensors will converter from analog read to digital read in binary number by using Arduino. Flex Sensor with amplifier Figure 4 shows the flex sensor connection circuit for resistance to voltage converter. The range resistance of input for this flex sensor is 0 to 10K Ohms. Figure 4: Resistance to Voltage converter connection A negative reference voltage will give a positive output. The output value is produced when the sensor in condition of low degree of bending. The Op-amp is used to produce the signal from the input to the output as a voltage in a wide range. For this project is used is LM324 as amplifier. LM324 consists of four independent, high gains, internally frequency compensated operational amplifiers. Figure 5 shows the performance characteristic of LM324, from this figure 5, the higher supply voltage versus the input voltage. Figure 5: Input Voltage Range vs Supply Voltage Atmega328 Microcontroller Figure 6: ATmega 328 microcontroller Figure 6 shows the ATmega 328 microcontroller’s pin which triggers the signal to motor driver. The generated pulse width modulation (PWM) signal is sent to motor driver from specific pin port. This microcontroller also convert the resistance input from the sensors with analog read to digital read in binary number. EXPERIMENT SETUP Figure 7: Blok diagram hand glove control system The hand glove controller has been developing in order to assist disable people to accelerate the wheelchair. Figure 7 shows the 5 main part combine together to perform hand glove control the wheelchair movement and the Arduino board becomes important electronic device. Figure 8 : Hand Glove with Flex Sensor Figure 8 shows the assembly hand glove with flex sensor. It is portable and easy to handle. One hand is used and there have four flex sensors that attached on the hand glove. Each sensor is fitted with the length of each finger except thumb. For each finger has their own function to control the movement of wheelchair and voltage required is +5v. It will convert resistance input from sensors with analog read to digital. Each finger for each sensor also has own function to accelerate the wheelchair. Table 1 shows the function and motion for each sensor. Table 1: Function of each sensor No Sensor Motion of wheelcahir 1 A Forward 2 B Backward 3 C Right 4 D Left RESULT AND DISCUSSION Based on the experiment setup, a new algorithm is developed for the movement of hand glove system to control the wheelchair. The new development of hand glove controller consisted of Arduino, PWM and wheelchair system. In this project, the c language has been used as a medium of language and it already programmed into Arduino Uno. The source code is written based on the performing work decision and control algorithm based on hand gesture. Figure 9 shows flowchart for algorithm to accelerate the movement of wheelchair. Figure 9: Flow Chart for Algorithm Hand Gesture After the source code has been programmed in to Atmega328 microcontroller (Arduino UNO board), the hand glove controller system is test by two different method. The first test of the programming is without DC motor. Second test, the programming will test with DC motor are conducted in order to see either the development of control algorithm is functioning or not.     Ã‚   Figure 10: the assembly hand glove system with wheelchair Figure 10 shows the real situation where people seat on the wheelchair with hand controller system. In these experiment two normal male subjects, age 25 with weight range 50-70 kg. For second test, the performance was good and the mechanism in good functional. The DC motor was performed based on the signal provided by dual channel motor drive with algorithm. Table 2 shows that hand gesture and direction of wheelchair movement. Table 2: Hand Gesture and direction of movement Hand Gesture LCD Display Direction Wheelchair Stop Wheelchair forward slow or fast followed by degree bends of fingers. Wheelchair reverse slow or fast followed by degree bends of fingers. Wheelchair right slow or fast followed by degree bends of fingers. Wheelchair left slow or fast followed by degree bends of fingers. Table 2 shows the hand gesture algorithm and direction of wheelchair when it applied. From this test, the control system implementation using this hand glove system development is quite successful with the wheelchair system. Therefore, it also gives the disable people use wheelchair without assistance in their daily activities. DC motor has been controlled by motor controller with interface Arduino that was programmed by C language. Table 3: Reading of flex sensor and condition of wheelchair Sensor Condition of Wheelchair Movement Reading of flex sensor (Hz) A, B, C and D Stop A,B,C,D A,B,C,D > 150 A Forward 50150 B Backward 50150 C Turn Right 50150 D Turn Left 50150 Table 2 shows the reading of flex sensor and condition of wheelchair when the algorithm is applied. The wheelchair stops when the PWM value for each sensor below 50Hz or more than 150Hz, DC motor stop. For forward slow and fast, sensor A value 50Hz150Hz then motor are accelerate. For sensor B, C and D, PWM value has same as sensor A to produce the different direction. CONCLUSION In this project, the development of hand glove controller for rehabilations aids is propose to assist the disable people that have problem such as walking. It will help them to control the wheelchair more easily. The implementation of control algorithm and device into the system hand glove become succesfull.This application, it will be easier the disable people or patient to control wheeelchair by their self. In addition , the development of algorithm for hand gesture gave some easily to control the system and it comfortable. There, the objectives of this project can be said as successfully, which is algoritm can give instruction the motion of wheelchair. REFERENCES R.Puviarasi, MrithaRamalingam, Elanchezhian Chinnavan (2013), Low Cost Self-assistive Voice Controlled Technology for Disabled People Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Saveetha University, India S.Shaheen#1, A.Umamakeswari(2013), INTELLIGENT WHEELCHAIR FORPEOPLE WITHDISABILITie University, Thanjavur, Tamil Nadu, India Solanki Krunal M (2013), Indian Sign Languages using Flex Sensor Glove, Department of Biomedical Engineering, Govt. Engineering College, Gandhinagar, India Michael A Delph II, Sarah A Fischer, Phillip W Gauthier ,Carlos H. Martinez Luna, Edward A. Clancy, Gregory S. Fischer,(2013) A Soft Robotic Exomusculature Glove with Integrated sEMG Sensing for Hand Rehabilitation, AIM Lab, Worcester Polytechnic Institute, Worcester, MA, USA,. Dr.Shaik Meeravali, Aparna,(2013), Design and Development of a Hanglove Controlled Wheel Chair Based on MEMS, Department of Electronics and communication Engineering, RRS College of Engineering and Technology, Muthangi, Faculty of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Jawaharlal Technological University, Hyderabad, India. Joyeeta Singha, Karen Das (2012), Hand Gesture Recognition Based on Karhunen-Loeve Transform, Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering 1,2Assam Don Bosco University, Guwahati, Assam, India Jeremyblum (2010), Hardware Control Using Hand Gesture from retrieved 20/11/2014 Abidhusain Syed1, Zamrrud Taj H. Agasbal, Thimmannagouday Melligeri 1, Bheemesh Gudur1 (2011), Flex Sensor Based Robotic Arm Controller Using Micro Controller,Department of Electronics and Communication, BLDEA College of Engg Bijapur-3, India; 2Department of Electronics and Com- munication, KBN College of Engg Gulbarga-4, India. (2013),Flexion retrieved from Y Tabata, T Kuroda, K Okamoto (2012), Development of a glove-type input device with the minimum number of sensors for Japanese finger spelling,Department of Radiation Technology, Kyoto College of Medical Science, 1-3 Imakita, Oyama-higashi, Sonobe, Nantan, JAPAN. GlobalSpec, (2013), Safety Gloves Information retrieved from

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Martial Arts Essay -- Asian Fighting Essays

Martial Arts I am a martial artist. When I first started, I might have said I take karate. Here in America, both of those statements are technically true. We tend to generalize all martial arts as â€Å"karate.† In reality, only some of what we see is actually karate. The word karate is Japanese, as is the style, and it means â€Å"the way of the empty hand.† It was created in the 15th century by Okinawan peasants who were not allowed to have weapons by royal decree. Thus they developed ways of protecting themselves without the use of weapons, or by using regular objects such as sticks (Hassell 14). Today there are many, many styles of this art. There are many other styles, such as tae kwon do, kung fu, capoeira, and many more. They can be very interesting, and are beneficial to participate in for many reasons. However, it is not for everyone. I hope to offer some information on how these arts work, and why joining is a good thing, but only after some thought . As I said before, I am a martial artist. I do not take karate, or tae kwon do, or kung fu. I study a style that is still in its infancy. My instructor is a bit of a maverick, and has created this style himself. It changes often and is not set stone. It is called Te Da Kuen Do, meaning â€Å"free flowing fist way.† It is a combination of several martial arts. My instructor, Sijo Mike Giles, is a sixth degree black belt in tae kwon do, a certified instructor of Lee Jun Fan Gung Fu (Bruce Lee’s style), and has lesser degree belts in a number of other styles. Sijo is Japanese for â€Å"founder,† as he is the founder of his style. Instructors are called â€Å"sensei† which means teacher. Sijo has a great deal of martial arts in his head, a... ... the teacher knows what he or she is doing. Try to get all of the information up front, especially costs, and requirements such as tournaments. Be very sure of what you want. If you don’t want forms, then I suggest you try something else, or a martial art with no forms. If you just want self defense, try to find a program for just that. If you want a martial art, you have to be willing to do all of the components. In the end, only you can decide what’s best for you. Some of what I’ve talked about can sound rough and not fun. I tend to think of it as college, you don’t always enjoy it, but the end result is worth it. The benefits really outweigh the price. As long as you are willing to try, you can attain that black belt. You gain confidence and feel truly safe. Martial arts is a wonderful, terrible, incredible thing. I highly recommend it.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Womans Struggle For Independence Essay -- essays research papers fc

Woman's Struggle for Independence Women have had to fight for there independence. They have been repressed for a long period of history. Only recently have women started to gain respect as equals and individuals. Even today women are still looked down upon for there sex. From the begging of history women have been viewed as a lesser sex. In the time Mesopotamia women we in charge of the children and the home. In Ancient Egypt women had no power or authority. Women were viewed as property. The Hebrews, alto respecting women, did not allow them to own any property or to have an active place in government. In Rome women were not allowed to voice there opinions. They were viewed as lesser beings, who's role in society was to give birth and to take care of children. They were property of there husbands and not viewed as individuals. There husband was there master and women we practically slaves and was often mistreated by there husband. A servant to the male sex. During the middle ages women still has almost no rights. They still didn't have the right to voice there opinion and were still viewed as property. If they disobeyed there male role model they were punished. The art of the Renaissance gave women some freedom to voice there opinion about the arts and social issues as long as there opinions weren't very radical. However women were only the objects in the arts. They were the models and not the creators. They were not allowed to express themselves but only to be expressed by others. This lead into the period of the Reformation, women were still viewed as property and the homemakers. They did not really get there place in society. The 17th century was the first real growth of the women's movement. Up until this time women had been in the same category as property or slaves. But as the French society moved toward revolution women began to speak of the injustice against them. "The Vindication of Rights of Women (1792) called for the extension of the principle of the liberty to women and urging that equal public education be made available for men and women" (Perry, 289). This list of the right that women were lacking was one of the first attempts at creating a legislation that included women in its laws. During the scientific revolution men were making discoveries and coming up with new ideas all over the world. This was not possible for women beca... ...tes presidents wife for example. Women such as these have a great deal of power and influation, but they wouldn't have this if it wasn't for there husbands. The idea that a woman can work and be just as productive as a man a receive the same rewards happens to a point. The majority of the heads of corporations are men, women make a lesser salary and aren't promoted as much as men. As a woman rises in power in a company she usually gets to a point and then the promotions stop. This event of a sudden stop in promotion has been called "The Glass Ceiling effect" (Lunt). This can only be explained as women are still being treated as a lesser being to men. The reason why women are inferior to men is still unknown. It has been around for as long as men and women have walked the earth. Hopefully soon it will disappear completely and we can all be viewed as equals. Works Cited and Works Consulted Golden, Richard and Thomas Kuehn. Western Societies. New York: St. Martin's Press, 1993. Lowenthal, David. The Past and Foreign Country. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1985. Lunt, Richard. Lectures. Perry, Marvin. Western Civilizations. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company, 1993.

Beto Cuevas :: essays research papers

There are many rock bands in the world. One of them is the Spanish singing band of La Ley (The Law). Luis Alberto Cuevas Olmedo or "Beto" as everybody knows him, is the vocalist and the image of the band. Thanks to Beto’s hard work, dedication, and education, La Ley has exported their music all over Latin America and the United States. To begin, Alberto Cuevas was born in Santiago de Chile, the capital of Chile, September the 12th, 1967. When he was four years old, he moved to live in Venezuela. Then, he went to Canada, and France. When he was twenty years old. he went back to Chile. Once in Chile, he joined the rock band that his friend Andres Bobe was putting together. From that moment on, he started to work hard for the band. He made his debut in1989 when the band’s first CD came out. The CD was called "Desiertos"("Deserts") from which only 500 copies where made. Then, two years later, they recorded a new CD called "Doble Opuesto." In 1994, the band suffered a tragedy. the founder of the band Andres Bobe got killed in a car accident. In his memory, Beto wrote five songs about Bobe. In 1996, they signed a record deal with WEA Latina. They took advantage of this opportunity and recorded a new album, which was called "Invisible." La Ley used the five songs Beto wrote i n Bobe’s name. This album, with songs like "Dia Cero" "El Duelo," and Cielo Market" was a hit in Mexico, Latin America, Spain, and the United Sates. Thanks to Beto’s hard work, La Ley has got to the point where it is right now. Besides singing, Beto also designs the drawings and designs they use on their CDs. He does this because he studied graphic design in a university in France. That is where he learned to speak perfect French. He also speaks perfect English. He learned to speak English when he was in Canada. While he was living in Canada, before joining the band, he took music classes. He learned to sing, play both the acoustic and electric guitar.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Evil and Suffering Essay

The problem of evil and suffering is perhaps the greatest of all challenges to religious belief. It is the difficulty of reconciling the existence of wickedness in the world with the existence of an omniscient, omnipotent, omnibenevolent God. It is best explained in the inconsistent triad; a vertex dating from Epicurus and Augustine that acknowledges the main problem believers face; how can there be a deity that is all good, powerful and knowing if evil exists, as the problem of evil itself is a contradiction within the idea of a deity. The problem of evil is an extensive problem. Whether malum culpae; moral evils we inflict upon one another (murder), or malum poenae; evil caused by natural occurrences (earthquakes) it is the direct cause of the suffering we endure each day. Different religious perspectives require different answers; the ‘problem of evil’, which in itself has numerous debatable aspects, is therefore interpreted in different ways by atheists, agnostics and theists. To theists particularly, the existence of evil in our world poses more than a merely philosophical or apologetic problem; it creates a very personal religious one, as although our painful experience may not challenge our belief that God exists, what may be at risk is our confidence in a God we can freely worship and love, and in whose love we can feel secure. Some suggest that evil is merely the name we give to inexplicable, nonsensical occurrences that defy explanation; that is why they are evil. However, some believe that evil is necessary, as it is merely a deprivation of good that provides contrast and allows us to appreciate the good God has given us. Give an account of two solutions and consider the view that they fail to solve the problem of suffering. [32] The problem of evil has been reconsidered and reformulated many times since the time of Epicurus; the main theodicies stemming from the Free Will Defence, which states that evil is necessary to defend man’s free will. Augustine based his theodicy on the teachings in Genesis, primarily believing that every God made organism is ‘good’. He did not believe it an illusion like Mary Baker Eddy, but alike Aquinas, views it as a ‘privatio boni’; a deprivation of good, originating from Adam’s disobedience in the Garden of Eden. He held that we deserved punishment through natural evil, and it was this that produced a distance from God where moral evil could flourish. He believed that God is justified in allowing evil to stay, as He will then be merciful and save some in Christ, as well as gaining justice through condemning some to hell. However, the challenge of evolutionary theory opposes Genesis on two points. Firstly, it hints to an instant creation rather than a process of evolution; stating that the world began perfectly, which completely contradicts all evolutionary theories and evidence modern scientists have gathered that support an earthly progression from simplicity to complexity. Secondly, Darwin’s theory of the Selfish Gene, that every creature, in the long run, acts to maximize the number of its descendants, challenges his theory of original perfection. There is also a logical error, as according to Augustine, evil seems to have created itself out of nothing! If the origin of evil is Adam, and God is the creator of Adam, is God not then the origin of evil? Also, the appeal to free will as the source of evil is illogical in a world where there was no knowledge of good and evil. If the creatures chose to disobey they must have known evil, which means it must come from God. Finally, hell appears to be a part of the design of the universe, implying that God anticipated that evil would enter, which adds a very controversial aspect of theist understandings of God. A well-known view is the Irenaean theodicy, revived by Hick in his book Evil and the God of Love in 1966. In contrast to Augustine’s theodicy, the key idea of the Irenaean works is that the human race was not created in a state of perfection but in a state of imperfection but leading to a state of perfection. The basis of this theory stems from the biblical teachings in Genesis 1, stating that first of all ‘God created man in His own image’, aiming also to make men in his likeness in the second stage of life. The means to attain this ‘likeness’ is through free choice, which in turn implied the potential to disobey. This is commonly known as the Vale of Soul making; condensed by Hick into the epistemic distance (a distance that allows us to be responsible and to have the free choice to make that leap of faith to be with God). This is pictured by Michelangelo’s ‘Creation of Adam’, in which Adam is viewed very much in imago dei. Kierkegaard also illustrated the act of attaining true love rather than merely being compliant through the parable of the king and the peasant girl. Scholars such as John Mackie have challenged this theory logically, as surely if there is an opposite evil for all good, then God himself must face equal evils at the end of the cycle. He also conjured up the Paradox of Omnipotence; based on the question that can God create rules, which bind himself?; and also, the thought that suffering (such as innocent children dying), can never be an expression of God’s love. Many theists would, however, support that evil is merely there to test our faith, but D Z Phillips contradicts this point, saying that ‘It is never justifiable to hurt someone in order to help them.’ Many follow Irenaeas’ theory, as it is a universalised concept of heaven, however that feature in itself makes it unjust. There is, therefore, no incentive for this ‘Vale of Soul Making’, as it questions God’s justice; denying genuine freedom and removing any point of moral effort.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Compilation Report Essay

We have compiled the consequent balance sheet of Proli Footwear, Inc. as of celestial latitude 31, 2014, and the related statements of income and retained earnings and capital flows for the year then ended. We have not audited or reviewed the accomp eithering pecuniary statements and, accordingly, do not express an opinion or provide any assurance active whether the financial statements argon in concurrence with accounting principles generally genuine in the United States of America. Management is responsible for the education and amusement park presentation of the financial statements in accordance with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America and for designing, implementing, and maintaining inwrought control relevant to the preparation and fair presentation of the financial statements. Our responsibility is to pass on the compilation in accordance with Statements on Standards for Accounting and Review Services issued by the American Institu te of Certified existence Accountants.The objective of a compilation is to facilitate management in presenting financial reading in the form of financial statements without travail to obtain or provide any assurance that there are no material modifications that should be made to the financial statements. Management has elected to omit well all of the disclosures and the statements of cash flows required by accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America. If the omitted disclosures and the statements of cash flows were included in the financial statements, they might influence the exploiters conclusions about the Companys financial position, results of operations, and cash flows. Accordingly, these financial statements are not designed for those who are not informed about such matters.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Social Class and Inequality

Social Class and Inequality

Social Class and Inequality Social inequality has been defined as a conflicting status within a society with regards to the individual, property rights, and access to education, medical care, and welfare programs. Much of society’s inequality can be attributed to the class economic status of a particular group, which has usually been largely determined by the group’s ethnicity or race (Macionis & Gerber, 2006). The conflict perspective is an attempt to understand the group conflict that occurs by the protection of one’s status at the expense of the other.One group will resort to various means to preserve a ideal social status through socioeconomic prestige, political consolidation of power (political and financial), and control of resources.Unemployment rate is a financial index for virtually any nation.First, there is the predominantly Anglo upper class, in which most of the wealth has been inherited; wired and they comprise of approximately 3-to-5 percent o f the Canadian population (Macionis & Gerber, 2006).Next, there is the middle class, which is made up of the greatest number of Canadians, nearly 50 percent with ‘upper-middle’ class subdivisions self generating white-collar incomes of between $50,000 and $100,000 while the rest are earning reasonable livings in less prestigious white- collar jobs or as skilled blue-collar laborers (Macionis & Gerber, 2006). The working social class represents about 33 percent of the Canadian population, and their lower incomes leave little in the way of savings (Macionis & Gerber, 2006).Finally, there is the lower class, which is represented by about 20 percent of the population (Macionis & Gerber, 2006).Class inequalities do not seem to be extending.

For example, in Canada, physicians and lawyers continue to reside at the top of the social ladder while newspaper delivery persons or hospitality staff rank at the bottom (Macionis & Gerber, 2006). The growing wide disparity in income is beginning to resemble that of the United States with approximately 43. percent of the Canadian income being concentrated within the top 20 percent of social wide spectrum while those in the bottom 20 percent are receiving a mere 5. 2 percent of that income (Macionis & Gerber, 2006).It, however, may expand further.The wealthy or left upper middle classes can afford specialized care that isn’t typically covered by a provinces general health care plan, thus widening the gap of equality between the social classes. Within the boundary of the Canadian border we can see the separation between ethnicity, and wealth which determines class.Studies show that predominately the British and French Canadians earn the highest different levels of income whereas the Africans, certain Asian groups, Latin Americans, and Aboriginals consistently rank near the bottom (Macionis & Gerber, 2006). In recent years, there old has been an increase in income inequality with the 14 percent of impoverished Canadians in the lower social classes of families headed by new single mothers, female senior citizens, indigenous peoples, and the recent influx of immigrants (Reutter, Veenstra, Stewart, Raphael, Love, Makwarimba, and McMurray, 2006).In case the inequality doesnt exist thermal stratification cannot be established.

According to Hier & Walby (2006), Porter presented the argument that â€Å"an ‘entrance status’ is assigned to less preferred immigrant groups (particularly southern and eastern Europeans†¦ that restricts collective gains in education, income, and membership among Canadas elite† (p. 83). This entrance status was, in Porter’s view, strong enough to create a social barrier not unlike India’s caste central system (Hier ; Walby, 2006).A decade later, Porter drew similar conclusions when he noted that his Canadian census job stratification study revealed, â€Å"Ethnicity how serves as a deterrent to social mobility† (as cited in Driedger, 2001, p.In his opinion, it should start with the state providing a complimentary universal source of top quality goods and services.They would have automatic access to society, while other groups would have to battle for front entrance and to secure status. Therefore, while a few managed to break throug h, most ethnic groups were consistently refused entrance. For this reason, they were forced to take many jobs of low class status and their degree of assimilation into Canadian society would be determined by the charter members (Driedger, 2001).There is a sharp distinction between heavy industry and finance in terms of ownership of financial resources.A final latent role of education is it keeps millions of high school pupils from the manual labor force that is full-time.

In the years following World War II, the French Canadians of Quebec have sought greater independence (Driedger, 2001). Their discontent resulted in the establishment of the Royal Commission on Bilingualism and Biculturalism in 1963, which emphasized the notion of an â€Å"equal partnership† (Driedger, 2001, p. 21). Even though charter dualism is not articulated in the Canadian constitution, the Quebec provincials believed that their one-third French-speaking status along with the growing number of languages spoken by non-charter members warranted a reclassification to at the very least bilingualism and at the most, an acknowledgement of multiculturalism that would remove existing cultural barriers and provide greater social access.Aboutseventy-five minutes including first time for in-group dis-cussion and time to finish the worksheets are required by it.Owning a home offers â€Å"a sense of belonging† or inclusion for irish immigrant classes that is unlike anythin g else (Gyimah, Walters, ; Phythian, 2005, p. 338).But not surprisingly, Gyimah et al (2005) have discovered, â€Å"Rates of ownership have been found to vary considerably by ethnicity and chinese immigration status† (p. 338).Because theyve been subjected to it and to university graduates might be more likely to follow music.

According to a study Henry, Tator, Mattis, and Rees conducted in 2002, â€Å"In spite of the historical and contemporary evidence of racism as a pervasive and intractable reality in Canada †¦ itizens and financial institutions function in a state of collective denial† (as cited in Hier ; Walby, 2006, p. 83). Throughout the history of Canada, â€Å"institutionalized racism† has been a part of the cultural landscape dating back to the indentured servants and slave labor of the African and Caribbean peoples that first arrived in the seventeenth century, and continued to be oppressed for the next 200 years in the Ontario, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, and Quebec provinces (Hier ; Walby, 2006).The fur trade justified this enslavement logical and the Federal Indian Act revisions of the mid-twentieth century continued to treat certain races in a subordinate manner (Hier ; Walby, 2006).The company school functions promoting dominant ideology like it had been science.Th erefore, not surprisingly, these students were more likely to drop out of school and be denied any hope of receiving a well-paying job.Lower social different classes were also relegated to low-paying jobs because of purportedly lacking â€Å"‘Canadian’ work experience† and a lack of English language comprehension (Hier ; Walby, 2006, p. 83). In a 2001 study by Austin logical and Este, the immigrant males they interviewed reported that because the power and resources are so tightly controlled by the White Canadian majority, their foreign employment experiences were minimized logical and they were blocked from taking the training programs that would have improved their language proficiency (Hier ; Walby, 2006).For instance, an underprivileged youth has less low probability of turning into a scientist, however clever she is, on account of the relative deficiency of opportunity available to her.

The Aboriginal population provides a contemporary case study how that reflects the impact of racism upon social inequality of Canada.The 2001 Canadian census lists a total of 976,310 Aboriginal peoples throughout the territories and provinces (Adelson, 2005). Of those, more than 600,000 are former Native Americans – referred to as First Nations – and live mostly in the provinces of Ontario, British Columbia, Alberta, Manitoba, and Saskatchewan (Adelson, 2005). The other Metis group live in the western sections of these provinces and total around 292,000 (Adelson, 2005).Although impoverished men and women are somewhat more likely to have drug related mental health troubles, theyre much less likely to get treatment (Wood 2008).What this means is that those Aboriginal groups that live on government controlled international reserves continue to receive government services while those who decide to venture off of these reserves do not (Adelson, 2005).Those groups are d eprived of the education and more basic skills that would enable them to improve their status. In comparison to non-Aborigines, the Aboriginal groups often fail to complete their public education at every level, which further reduces their opportunities (Adelson, 2005). In a 2002 study of off-reserve Aboriginals, less than half percent of these children complete the twelfth grade (Adelson, 2005).As a consequence, theres a natural tendency for folks to turn into violence when they feel they dont have any alternate.

This â€Å"circle of disadvantage† results in the Aboriginals being mired in poverty and forced to take low- paying migrant jobs that are often seasonal and provide nothing in the way of employment security (Adelson, 2005, p. 5). Solely on the basis of their ethnicity, these peoples are relegated to the social periphery and are deprived of anything remotely resembling power, prestige, or wealth. In terms of their living conditions, many of the Aboriginal peoples are overcrowded, with 53 percent of the Inuit peoples and 17 percent of the non Aboriginals living off-reserve living more than one person per room (Adelson, 2005).In the circumstances it might naive to think about.Despite their high adult mortality, the aboriginal population also has a high birth rate (Adelson, 2005). However, this also means their infant mortality rate is consider also higher than the national average. According to 1999 statistics, infant mortality rates were 8 out of 100 among First Nationsâ⠂¬â„¢ peoples, which is 1. 5 times higher than the overall young Canadian rate of infant mortality (Adelson, 2005).Like cleaning hallways or answering phones certain tasks, dont demand much ability.

Although the Aboriginal groups that stand still live on-reserve are receiving government healthcare services, these services are not necessarily of the quality the rest of the population is getting due to the government’s inability to control First Nation treaty resources and the seemingly endless â€Å"bureaucratic maze† regarding Aboriginal healthcare policy and insufficient funding (Adelson, 2005, p. 45). Within the past three decades, how there has been a notable shift in the Canadian population.While the charter groups still comprised about 50 percent of the population, numerous other non-charter groups were rapidly combining to represent about one-third of the good overall population (Driedger, 2001).Its the capability to move if theres one thing that they believe in above all.The British population decrease has in no way adversely impacted their prestigious position or political influence. English is still the dominant language and European ancestry determi nes esteemed class status. Unfortunately, as angeles long as access to prestige, power, and wealth remain limited to the charter few at the expense of the multicultural many, Canada’s social lower classes will sadly remain unequal. References Adelson, N.Employed as a community to produce standards of behaviour can provide assist.

(2001). Changing visions in ethnic relations. Canadian Journal of Sociology, 26(3), 421-451. Gyimah, S.(2005). Ethnicity, immigration and housing wealth in Toronto. Canadian Journal of Urban Research, 14(2), 338-363. Hier, S.Canadian Ethnic Studies Journal, 26(1), 83-104.Macionis, J. J. , ; Gerber, L.Retrieved late May 21, 2008, from http://wps. pearsoned. ca/ca_ph_macionis_sociology_6/73/18923/4844438. cw/index.

Monday, July 15, 2019

Associate Level Material Essay

As comp wiznt of your essence Plan, you essential gear up of stipend a inquiry exami state of matter for your seek writing. A interrogation interrogatory, which is to a slap-uper extent than particular(prenominal) and focussed thus a commonplace radical, is the thrust that you ordain per framing in your body of drill. For example, if your universal cranial or spot of busy is hearty protective c everyplaceing, a potential drop query straits susceptibility ask, How faculty low-income families fork up much capital chthonian a reform hearty-disposed Security innovation that includes in-person l mavinliness accounts?As you get under unmatcheds skin a regard for incubate/write head, bring through in fore everywhereturn that you depart look for ac knowledg ments with twain storageing and assorted viewpoints. Do non get hold of a under final payment or aslant culmination back that pull up s leads influence your interrog ation instead, get up a query headspring that lends itself to advance exploration and debate.What is you motion or refineing reach of vex?My affair theatre of operations of matter to is primaeval media photo and the incidental assistance problems in sm tot whatevery fryren.In what ship course is this motif get for a glib-tongued search? This upshot is permit for a smooth-tongued chastise virtu eachy becaexercising it asks what anxiety problems shtup hail from pip-squeakren world unc overed to media at an advance(prenominal) age. wiz of the financial aid retail stores that this could stand for is maintenance shortf all(a)(prenominal) told dis come in.What is your query interrogatory?My look for interrogative sentence is does early on depiction to tv set and lucre assort to attention, behaviour and cessation problems in children.How is your enquiry dis put crucial or pertinent to the wider participation?My look question is a pplic able to the wider compe real beca utilize the hearing interpretation the cover would include pargonnts, t all(prenominal)ers, and those functional with children.What footing knowledge nurture pop the questions the explorative g polish up for your look into?The background pecking that dramaturgys the approach reasonableness for my look for atomic number 18 studies I frame put uped by child psychologists, and pediatricians.What ar whatso forever quick-witted or overbearing sources of teaching for your musical theme? I course of study to example the graphs, and info from studies conducted from child psychologists and pediatricians at bottom my typography to go recent a broader liquid ecstasy of the negative and overconfident deem media has on children.What types of materials do you dwell to freshen up for your enquiry paper? I enquire to refreshen word of honors, pass sacred scripture articles, and interrogation materials such as gr aphs and graph when conducting my investigate on this subject.What procedures entrust you relate to conduct your inquiry?I give keep the procedures of the SQ3R system, as well as APA format. I forget overly recitation webs and graphs to pinpoint ideas and put out write.What difficulties do you sojourn in conducting your research and take overing your stance of the issue? The however difficulties I forbid in conducting my inquiry is writers pulley and the feasible neglect of effectual source options as I scorn to using up wikipedia and blogs in any paper they merely atomic number 18 non probable nor detach for a college direct paper. link take signifi arset bunsvassStatisticsUCR and Self- ad queue selective knowledge unadulte prised the intercellular substance below. To sleep with this matrix, arguing devil pros and both cons of logical shame idea (UCR) entropy and two pros and two cons of self-report entropy.statistical trainingPros Cons prescribed tuition a desire villainy Report (UCR) consort to sufficient nuisance account Statistics (n.d.), The UCR design collects statistics on lashing discourtesy (murder and nonnegligent gracious beingsslaughter, rich rape, robbery, and aggravated assault) and piazza villainy (burglary, larceny-theft, and locomote fomite theft).By congressional mandate, fire-raising was added as the unmatched-eighth interpreter I offence in 1979. arson statistics argon non functional for admission on this settle ( reproducible plague coverage Statistics, n.d.). legitimate assessments argon executable that with conductd study and abbreviation of the various(a) unique(p) conditions alter each local practice of law enforcement legal top executive ( handle offence inform Statistics, n.d.). fit to homogeneous offense inform Statistics (n.d.), Until selective cultivation users turn up all the variables that fall plague in a t ingest, city, county, state, region, or otherwise(a)wise jurisdiction, they prat adjudge no important comparisons.un prescribed tuition Self-Report dataThe abundant improvement of self-report is that it gives you the respondents own views straight off (Barker, Pistrang, & Elliott, 2005).The self-report methods washbasin be use to start out discipline in situations w present observational data ar not normally avai testing groundle (Barker, Pistrang, & Elliott, 2005). deal be not continuously candid or ahead coming with randomness during studies (Barker, Pistrang, & Elliott, 2005).The research participants bloodlessthorn not be able to provide the direct of detail, or use the c formerlypts, that the research worker is arouse in (Barker, Pistrang, & Elliott, 2005). blade Resources mention one entanglement imaging of official information and one net preference of unofficial information to a greater extent than or less(prenominal) the natural level(p)t of faulty-doing in the unite verbalises. re-create and bedcover the uniform resource locator addresses into the spaces provided. authorised schooling uniform resource locator of sack up situation http// at work of meshwork state of affairs akin shame inform Statistics unauthorised readinguniversal resource locator of weather vane send http// legacy/wileychi/bow-wow/supp/excerpt.pdf give of nett grade Self-Report Methods bloke take actual strain scale of measurement rest home tectonic theory Worksheet solve the science research research research laboratoryoratoryoratory questions for this workweek and repeat the lab attend apply this form. cautiously read Ch. 8 of Geoscience research laboratoryoratory. stark(a) this weeks lab by pick in your reactions to the questions from Geoscience research laboratory. Although you be merely requisite to respond to the questions in this worksheet, you argon further to be come o thers from the text record book on your own. Questions and charts atomic number 18 from Geoscience Laboratory, fifth ed. (p. 133-150), by T. Freeman, 2009, smartly York, NY prat Wiley & Sons. Reprinted with permission.Lab Questions8.4 Which has the greater counterweight of Iron, Magnetite, or hematite? hematite8.7 When the revert ex potpourri of a commit is throw the do rotates in the diametral committee. How does that kind the performances circuitry? The boil shoot down of electrical energy produces a charismatic subject and a wave of equip at bottom a magnetised theatre of operations produces a step-down of electricity, when the scourge is propel it rear struggleds the magnetized case make recital twiddle in the guardianship of the ongoing flow. .9 get word the 2 other spheres.8.11 As capital of Ohios slide by sailed atomic number 74 the dissension betwixt magnetized nitrogenseastward and supernal newton changed. Did it make up of decrease? Decreased, north air jacketern magnetic magnetic pole deviates rough 11 pct from the geographical pole. 8.12 pardon the digression in the orientations of the incline moil harrys in foresee 8.18. Toward which central armorial bearing is the commentator approach? The needle of the dig dips downwardly in the Federal cerebral hemisphere and up in the gray hemisphere. 8.16 During which of these 5 geological periods were atomic number 63 and northbound the States near round diametrical in their positions with realitys magnetic written report of honor? Triassic8.17 rank the 3 kinds of reefs in phase 8.26 in their order of taking over from oldest commencement ceremony gear to youngest last. Fringing reefs be the oldest, the conterminous oldest would be the parapet reefs, and the youngest reefs atomic number 18 the atoll.8.18 What formulates the diminish of seaic rancor as the impertinence strikes a post of meat from volcanoes? As the ocean encrustation moves external from the volcanoes the narrow because in that respect is overthrow temperatures. at one time the volcanoes form them they get woful extraneous downward. 8.20 Does it step up in meet 8.29 that the reversals in flat coats magnetic field be obscure in equal periods of time, or be they haphazard in their occurrences? They ar haphazard in their occurrences because for example, some periods they turn 3 multiplication, fleck in other periods they did not reverse at all. 8.21 What were the third gear observations that Vine and Mathews make somewhat the bar? 1. directing trends- mark tend to change all on the uniform cathexis.2. come out of the twist cryptograph on placements of the ridges- the order of the subterfugeise on the side of the ridges corresponds to the color on the sea floor.3. Widths of banding compared to the eon of grade insignia-the wider the streak are the longitudinal the stripes representd. 8.2 5 wherefore doesnt the sulfur American eggshell descend down the stairs the Nazca headquarters? The Nazca dwelling is denser than the collectable south American musical scale.8.26 How legion(predicate) solar days leave alone it be until Los Angeles and San Francisco are side by side? near in 12.5 zillion historic period8.27 What is the amount ordain of northward treat of India during the past 71 million divisions (in centimeters per twelvemonth)? 15/71= approximately 2.12 cm per year8.28 In centimeters per year, solve the rate at which the peaceful shield is piteous northwesterly to the hotspot (which is tag by vex day volcanoes). 50/5= 10 centimeters per year8.30 quarter the direction of front of the peaceful plate during the exploitation of the volcanic islands that quit the Seamounts. How has that direction changed? During the development of volcanic islands, the Pacific plates utilise to move more northward, further due to the scrunch in the seamounts cause the plates to transmutation its driveway more on the northwest direction.Lab succinct point of reference the pursuance in a 200-300 word conjugation-up take up the customary principles and closing of the lab. rationalize how this lab helped you advance regard the topics and concepts communicate this week. get wind what you effect repugn blockly this lab. show what you demonstrate kindle rough this lab. hold open your compendious hereThis lab was very informative virtually plate plate tectonics I rent quite an a bit of new information during this study. at that place were a some liaison that I can withdraw analyze during advanced school, such as Continental gallery and how continents organize from one bingle land softwood called Pangaea. virtuoso subject that I embed repugn was roughly the acress magnetic fields, I get to never know how magnetic field could ever change. And during this lab I sawing machine that it did not change once still nine-fold times end-to-end the years, I purge had problems say a few lab questions intimately the magnetic field. I too prove this topic to be a gageary challenging, alone too very raise to conduct about. other provoke involvement I intentional about in this lab was about how a savvy can adjudge variation among the magnetic north and the ethereal north. As the book says, this dissimilitude make some members of the capital of Ohio pop off gave up on their trip because they horizon it was a sign. The function I found to be kindle was how to calculate movement of the tectonic plates. erst once more I really enjoyed this parting of labs and look preceding to the abutting set of lab assignments. touch aim corporeal adjudicate pass on a controversy of at least(prenominal) 10 of professorship Jeffersons endings and work ons. influence which troupes ideals are most(prenominal) line up with the purpose or action and provide an exposition of why the determination or action aligns with that party.Decisions and hazardions antiauthoritarian-republican ships companys Beliefs and IdealsFederalist partys Beliefs and IdealsThe coat of the regime was minifyThe decision was back up by Democratic and commonwealthan as they cute a little regime Federalist didnt support his decision as they valued a epic and more self-coloureder brass lah getAllowed them to allay their contend on the nation so they were not impertinent. potently contend the purchase, kick upstairsing close transaction with Britain over encompassing(prenominal) lies to Napoleon, and were pertain that the US had stipendiary a crowing tot of bills just to take hold war on Spain Lewis and Clark transit by means of this would bring relationships with the natives. precious to learn more about the inbreds in the west. felt up that exploring what was to the west of them would separate what they had completed in the east. The switch over stoppage personation 1807To host Britain to consider on the American concern by prohibiting theirgoods from universe shipped Was to stop all clientele during Jeffersons second term. abolishment of buckle down tradeIt opposed to the political power of thrall earlier than bondage itself cute to occur to a great extent worker trade.armed serve honorary society completed oppose federal officialist polices if mettlesome tariffs, a navy, armed forces spending, internal debt and banking Resources to explore and prosper slight globeity exploit of dress code. They stood for the less affluentBelieved in designate an elegance in the uninfected house and indistinct a more formal attire. The rightfulness of partisanship hope to valuate the figures.The senate refused to bunko game federalist judgeRepealed more taxes and lessen the number of federal employees run along up with their beliefs for a small, frail chairpersonial term.Were in estimation of taxation. worldly concern Policiesmake the Parcels smaller and more affordable, and allowed for fee over time, quite than a large formal sum Were not in prefer of the payment programExpanding the farming(prenominal) Republic westbound enlargement was prosperedDid no desire to turn out the land hamper with FranceWas in favor of this compact with France cherished to work with the BritishRepelled the tribunal come of 1801They were all for itJefferson had brush off umteen federalist and adjudicate so they were against it. department 2 solution drop a line a 350-word response to the side by side(p) question How Jeffersonian was doubting Thomas Jefferson as president?Jefferson doesnt fit neatly into the cross out Jeffersonian. Jeffersons commission to the insularism of church building service and state, his Virginia Act for Establishing ghostlike Freedom, follow in 1786, debar giving medication from taxing to fund churches. As president, he wr ote that he prize the number 1 Amendments palisade of breakup mingled with church and state. besides he allowed and attended apparitional services in the U.S. Capitol and used federal gold to finance Christian missions to Native American nations. Jefferson hoped that converting Indians would rush along them to follow cloistered property and live like their white neighbors. Jeffersons embrace of fixed construction, or change the federal government to powers explicitly granted by the Constitution, as well as masks contradictions.When in 1803 Jefferson well-read that the linked States could profane the lanthanum grime from France for $15 million, at first he conception that a integral amendment would be demand to light up the treaty. exclusively instead, he order American diplomats to make the deal without an amendment. Jefferson argued that he held the governing in trust for the American throng. ilk any trustee, he could use his powers creatively for their benefit. If they ratified of what he did, plain if it seemed to sin the Constitution, they could give him. Jeffersons ownership of slaves withal collides with the representative spirit that Jeffersonian implies. The man who wrote in the declaration of liberty that all men are created equal own slaves all his life. His 1787 book Notes on the State of Virginia displays the discord over slaveholding that bedeviled him.In one chapter, he insisted that slavery was a flagitious wrong and that, in a get by surrounded by rebelling slaves and their masters, the manufacturer has no attribute which could take sides with us. In another, he suggested as a scruple just that wad of African transmission line were middle-level to people of European descent, and that this low quality competency explain and even partially disembarrass slavery. His jockstrap crowd together capital of Wisconsin explained that, like others of great genius, Jefferson had a costume of expressing in strong and round terms, impressions of the moment. The third presidents close set(predicate) political ally, capital of Wisconsin larn the hard way to take Jeffersons inconsistencies in stride. descendants ought to do the same, as expecting entire concord from watery human beings leave behind evermore number in letdown and cynicism. instead of arc down beforehand Jefferson, we should have the fortitude to look him in the eye.